The Exigent Duality
Into the Corner - 18:35 CST, 5/23/19 (Sniper)
Because people on the Right are dominated by logic and reasoning-- you can even see this via brain scans, where proportions are different between self-described "conservatives" and "liberals"-- they keep trying to get a grasp on some kind of rules-based consistency regarding the tech companies' "terms of service". Here is just the latest of dozens of examples-- this time from a guy who actually works at Google, befuddled that his own employer hasn't defined "hate speech".

And every time I read one of these complaints from people on the Right, I just shake my head: there is no logic to understand! That's not how these "let's ban Joe and not Frank" decisions are being made! There are no rules or definitions being used, and so there's nothing to grasp!

What happens is, a Leftist employee at one of these companies gets hot and bothered by something they've read, about which they disagree. Because they're emotions-based, rather than be calm and say "Eh, to each their own", they let their anger short-circuit them, and they frantically recruit other hystericals to their side, until the "offending" person or organization is banned.

When Jack Dorsey was asked by Joe Rogan to explain "why certain accounts got banned" from Twitter, all he could do was stammer "uh... um... uh, terms of service, uh, um". What to do? He certainly can't say "because the account made me angry", even though that's literally all there was to it!

And one of these days in probably the not-so-distant future, these tech corporations are going to be dragged in front of the Supreme Court, and made to decide if they are public squares, or newspapers-- in other words, logical consistency will be forced on them. And that will spell the end of them, because there is no way out from there.