The Exigent Duality
All English Announcers Are Racists - 09:38 CST, 5/05/19 (Sniper)
The announcers in the Lazio-Atalanta match are driving me nuts. They're complaining about Wallace getting booed, after he essentially and single-handedly committed his dozenth match-losing embarrassment. Then out of frustration, they pulled the "all Lazio fans are racist" card: "Well it's not the worst thing Lazio fans have done recently!"

Footballers are entertainers who middle and lower class people pay their hard-earned money to go and watch. Between transfer fee and wages, Wallace has cost the club millions of Euro, and he's done nothing but make stupid mistake after stupid mistake. It'd be a travesty if he wasn't booed! If a Shakespearan actor kept flubbing his lines, he'd get booed too, and this isn't any different.

In any event, the only reason I'm even watching Lazio still this season is to see which individual players are even worth keeping. It's like one extended pre-season at this point.