The Exigent Duality
Muse - 07:48 CST, 5/04/19 (Sniper)
The funniest thing about so-called "Social Security" to me is that its "trust fund" is exclusively made up of US Treasuries! It would be like having your 401k consist of your credit card bills.

If you don't believe me, just read the "program's" actual FAQ, question "How are the trust funds invested?" Also check out the question about the rate of return: 2.988 percent for 2017! My cat could invest better than that!

Also note that all "social security" taxes go into the Treasury's general fund, to get blown by people in congress like Cow Farts Cortez-- they are not saved or earmarked specifically for the "program" in any way!

But back to the debt thing: only in this crazy world is a promise to pay yourself in the future counted on the books as an "asset". Of course, it only works this way for the State: no private bank would accept the outstanding balance of my mortgage as collateral for a loan application which I'm filling out. The loan officer would laugh me out of their cubicle!

About "social security" in general, setting aside some kind of doomsday scenario I'm set for retirement without a penny of it: I planned it that way from the get-go. So the whole scheme can go up in smoke tomorrow for all I care.

On a somewhat related note, I also saw this article in my feeds this morning.

Young people today, who are apparently being called "generation Z", want a magical college degree to get them a life-long six-figure earning management job, into which they'll get promoted six months after they start working. Boy are they in for a rude awakening if this movie plays out the way I suspect it might.

Meanwhile over in good old "millenial-ville", a provider of endless comedy, they say that they do not even "care about money". Oh really, that's interesting: Bernie Sanders's largest base is made up of "millenial" voters. And his exclusive appeal is that he steals money with his left hand, then hands out "free college" and other goodies with his right hand. Translation: millenials don't "care about earning money."