The Exigent Duality
Perception Gap - 08:24 CST, 5/02/19 (Sniper)
Is this from where most of the Donald Trump misconceptions arise? Make sure not to miss this link near the bottom of the article.

I see Trump in Scott Adams's second category. But that's because when I read stuff, I go straight to the source material to get the full context, even for people I don't like, such as Occasional Cortex: I don't trust the headlines or incomplete quotes, whether they're from conservative or liberal media. Scott Adams looks to be the same way.

The facts as I see them: Trump personality-wise is a straight shooter who says what's on his mind, yet who knows his audience from his decades in the entertainment business, and often plays "4D chess" to corner his opponents, to great effect.

He frequently engages in totally obvious comical facetiousness, which modern-day Leftists are socially unequipped to pick up on-- sort of like how they need "satire" in the headlines of obvious parody pieces because they can't "get it" otherwise, or how they constantly "fact check" hilarious things like "CNN buying a washing machine to spin the news."

In fact, this is a big reason for the gap in perception regarding Trump I suspect, because this incessant tongue-in-cheek dialogue is such a huge part of his character. And Trump never bothers correcting them: he thinks their lack of perception is just as funny as I do, and besides he correctly reasons that they're not going to like him no matter what he does, whereas to the people who matter, they understand his sense of humor perfectly.

Policy-wise, Trump is a Democrat from the 1990s or 2000s, before that party went off the deep end: tough on borders and crime, and a big believer in Keynesian-style cheap money and fiscal stimulus. Even as I strongly disagree with that school of economics, absolutely nothing in Trump's policy platform is even remotely controversial prior to as recent as 2010, maybe even a bit later.

Ron Paul, I could see Leftists getting their underwear in a bundle. But Donald Trump for Pete's sake? His positions are about as mainstream as you can get.

In a nutshell then, I think all of this unhinged "Trump Derangement Syndrome" comes from the media constantly taking every word he says out of context, like what the "Daily Show" did to Peter Schiff some years ago, then bombarding people with it 24/7/365.