The Exigent Duality
Drafting - 19:13 CST, 4/26/19 (Sniper)
I love the NFL Draft. Wifey teases me that I like the draft more than the actual games, and she might be right.

Vikings's first pick reminds me of calling the plumber: least sexy choice ever, but it sure is nice to have a flushing toilet again. Their line has been so unbelievably bad that they just needed basic competency in the interior! It's like taking a big step back to square one: "let's just get someone who can re-form our fundamentals."

One other little draft-related side note: every single black player drafted who has named a role model, has either cited their mother, or their grandfather (mom's dad undoubtedly). Remember, 72% of black kids born out of wedlock...

And by the way, this woman is downright dangerous: she's actively encouraging children and their parents to be fat, when the entire Western world is in the midst of an endemic obesity crisis. And all to satisfy her own ego and unsatisfied inner psychological deficiencies. Super selfish.

Oh, and lady: no relationship between weight and blood pressure, are you kidding me? At 240 lbs, my blood pressure was routinely 140 / 105. One time at work, it tested at 170 / 120. That's stroke territory. So I lost ninety pounds, and at 150 lbs my blood pressure is now 115 over 80. Losing that weight saved my life, and means I have a chance to be there for my kids as they move into adulthood down the road.