The Exigent Duality
Not Many Left - 17:09 CST, 3/21/19 (Sniper)
Testosterone levels in men have fallen an average of one percent per year, since 1980! What's funny, is that you can see it just by looking at pictures of young men from the 1970s, versus today. And it's not just hair styles or clothing or photography: pay attention to how soft and rounded the features of men today are, by contrast to the more chiseled, broad-boned looks of then!

In any event, the reason I bring this up is because in the span of just a couple of hours, I've hit upon two pictures which perfectly sum up today's masculinity crisis: check out this guy! And then just a bit later, I stumbled on this even more outrageous picture-- just page down a couple of times. I bet these guys have "T" levels in the mid-100s.

The fact that men are an endangered species today makes me wonder if that's a big part of why the world is essentially an ochlocracy today-- ruled by "the wild and furious passions in lieu of the sober judgment of courts". Even the men are basically women, so there isn't that more even-keel force regulating the feminine passions and moodiness. It'd be like having the entire "Enterprise" bridge crew being copies of Deanna Troi.

Don't get me wrong: women serve a tremendous purpose in the world, and in general I get along with them great. I have a daughter of my own, whom I love to pieces. To stick with the analogy, I sure as hell wouldn't want "Worf" as my guidance counselor, just as much as I wouldn't want Troi as ship's captain. Both men and women serve equally important purposes.

For the world to stay sane-- so no Genghis Khan "patriarchy" and no hysterical "matriarchy"-- there needs to be a balance between masculinity and femininity: empathy combined with systematizing. And it's this balance that seems to be way off these days (just look at New Zealand; female prime minister, and the men: "Take my guns! Take my property! Take my wife! Take everything! The horrors!").