The Exigent Duality
Hundreds of Nanny State Deaths - 17:51 CST, 3/14/19 (Sniper)
This reminds me of all of the nanny stuff they're putting into contemporary cars: even when sensors are functioning, when the car starts pulling left or braking on its own, people are going to try to wrestle against it.

And then to the sensors: in Minnesota, summers can be over one hundred degrees F, while winters can be negative sixty-- that's a one hundred and sixty degree swing in temperature, in any twelve month period. This is combined with extreme humidity, extreme dry, and extreme ice during the winter. All it takes is one sensor malfunction to cause a fatal accident, as the driver and the car get their wires crossed-- just like what seems to have occurred with the pilots discussed in the article.

You know that old adage "let computers do what computers do best, and let people do what people do best"? The corollary is the same with cars or airplanes: aside from some extremely unobstrusive things-- think ABS-- or items which can be toggled on and off in a highly visible manner-- cruise control, or auto-pilot-- the car or plane should do what the pilot inputs, and nothing else!