The Exigent Duality
New Whig Party? - 08:36 CST, 2/10/19 (Sniper)
In this interview, an "advisor" to "Crazy Eyes Cortez"-- we'll call him "Wig Man"-- says that we needn't worry about the creation of the trillions of dollars needed to enact the so-called "Green New Deal", because "inflation is just a ratio", he explains, between the amount of goods and the amount of money. As long as lots of "stuff" is created with the money, general prices won't rise!

In all my years of listening to Leftists and studying economics, I'd never heard this one before! Unfortunately, there are one or two problems with it.

"Inflation is just a ratio" implies that there is no upward bound. So, why stop at trillions, and just shoot for the heavens and lots of prosperity by printing ten quadrillion dollars, which will give each American a government constructed and paid-for Earthen home-- or a deluxe-sized igloo for those in the Northern climates-- in communities totally free from such unpleasantness as farting cows? Heck, why not throw in a bonus $150k Tesla Model X for each family too? Or three or four? I mean, if Uncle Elon doesn't deserve to be rewarded for being a man ahead of the times, then who does?

Of course, what happens when the appetite for dollar foreign reserves begins to reach its limit? That appetite is significant still which is what enables people like "Wig Man" or the "MMT" fellows to come up with ex-post-facto, pseudo-academic "explanations" as to why infinite or near-infinite government profligacy, in fact, doesn't matter. It would be a bit like a small child saying that gravity doesn't exist, when in fact a parent is holding the back of their shirt, preventing them from tumbling over a high precipice.