The Exigent Duality
Say What Now - 12:58 CST, 2/06/19 (Sniper)
I saw this article in my feeds today, and thought: "Here is my chance to get inside the minds of one of these pretentous hipsterville assholes who have ruined my hobby!"

Before I proceed, you know those 1960s drug-addled hippies, who barf out meaningless word salad in an attempt to sound enlightened? "The unicorn grass shines like a shimmer on the rainbow trees, crying glass tears into the soul of the universe! Yeah, man!" Well, that's how this game designer talks. Incidentally, his name is "Jason Rohrer", and he makes exactly the kind of shit which I despise the most:

  • "Intentionally throughout my career, I’ve been trying to make things that are real games."
  • "None of the games you’ve ever played by me have character dialogue or cutscenes or back story or blocks of texts that show some poem."
  • "Like if you wanted to get a message or a sort of meaning or some sort of aesthetic feeling the nature of life's passage, the only way to get it is to play it.."
  • "I was just laughing out loud at the joy that I'm feeling from weird little things like that. And thinking it through."
  • "You do have this sense of living a whole life, and you do have that bizarre immediate connection to these people. And in so many games that is lost immediately, and that would be 'gg bro.'"

All this time I thought this locust swarm of hipsters had flown over from the 1980s punk rock scene-- angry, and desperate to be accepted. But now I'm starting to wonder if they're actually the spiritual woodstock mystic successors? "Far out, man!"

The article ends with, "For more on Rohrer's intentional method when creating games and to hear how having a maternal figure in the game heavily impacted his feelings..."

Uh, no, that's ok, I think I've had enough "insight" for now (or forever!).