The Exigent Duality
Kamikaze Reporting - 11:46 CST, 1/22/19 (Sniper)
The real problem with incidents like this and other "fake news" events, is that the average Lefty never bothers to follow-up and get the real facts as they emerge later on; they see the initial lie, and in their minds that represents the only truth about the matter they'll ever know.

To give two examples, I had arguments with Leftists about both the George Zimmerman trial and the Michael Brown occasion, years after the fact, and the people with whom I was engaged still thought that the original "fake news" renditions of those stories-- "hands up, don't shoot!", in the Michael Brown case-- were actually true!

I suspect the "fake news" outlets, like BuzzFeed and CNN, know this: they realize that they'll be called out and corrected after the fact, but that the initial damage of their immediate propagandistic report will have already been done.