The Exigent Duality
Best Ever? - 19:20 CST, 1/18/19 (Sniper)
What's the best game of all time? "Hurr, Super Mario Bros. 3 on the Ness!"

I hate to risk being that guy with what I'm about to say, but I'll chance it anyway: "War and Peace" is the best novel I've ever read, at least so far-- I'm only like fifteen percent through, granted. But if it the remainder is more of the same, then there will be no doubt in my mind.

Tolstoy might have been somewhat a basketcase as a person, but he has Ayn Rand's ability to see through people, and Dickens' ability to create crazy characterizations. I was absolutely busting a gut at the scene where he introduces the dynamic between Prince Nikolai and Nikolai's daughter, Maria-- it was almost like something out of a Monty Python skit!

His depiction of battle scenes so far is incredible too, and exactly as I imagine them: terrifying and life-threatening for sure, but so surreal that some of the player don't process the gravitas-- like those guys carefully holding up their beers lest they spill, while being shot at during the Las Vegas massacre.