The Exigent Duality
Another World - 17:32 CST, 1/13/19 (Sniper)
Duncan and I are so fascinated by exoplanets that we decided to create the Kepler-62 system in Universe Sandbox2. Turns out, the developers had already made it!

What they didn't do, however, is give 62e and 62f atmospheres: these planets do have the correct mass, orbital periods, and everything else though! So, Duncan and I gave them each atmospheres resulting in the same surface pressure as Earth.

Kepler-62e shot up to 30.4°C, with at atmospheric mass of 7.62E+18 kg. It changed from a frozen, barren world, to one which looks a bit like Earth-- see the top comparison, below. Very nice!

Kepler-62f didn't go quite as well-- see the bottom comparison; atmospheric mass of 7.2E+18 kg resulted in a frigid, still-frozen -13.6 °C world. Boosting it up to 1.3 atmosphere's worth of pressure got it up to an even 0 °C though.

The conclusion Duncan and I reached was that given the current knowledge we have of these worlds, 62e's closer proximity to the sun makes it more likely to be comfortable for human life. But it all depends on what kinds of atmospheres these planets have, if any.