The Exigent Duality
My Idea, Repeated - 19:10 CST, 12/13/18 (Sniper)
Remember my June post, where I hypothesized that Microsoft would flip Windows into just being a GNU/Linux distribution? Now I'm not the only one thinking along those lines.

Interestingly, he makes the identical arguments which I made: it costs lots of money to maintain but brings in less and less revenue, it's janky and buggy, they already offer a distribution for the cloud, GNU/Linux is already the leading OS on Azure by a wide margin, "cloud" is Microsoft's future anyway, and on and on it goes.

It's not the first time where I've wondered if my writing actually was read and mimicked by other authors. This site doesn't get a ton of traffic, but it gets plenty enough from nearly a dozen different countries-- so I know I have an audience out there, even if I don't know who is all in it.