The Exigent Duality
Oversimplified - 10:58 CST, 12/07/18 (Sniper)
Remember my TAG model from 2013? For years I've thought that the Left-Right-- or "liberal" and "conservative"-- models were so ineffective at representing reality as to be almost useless. Here is a concrete example proving my point.

Tim Cook is nominally a West Coast "liberal"; he has a homosexual metropolitan social outlook, was in the tank for Hillary Clinton in 2016, and is a big environmentalist. And yet, in the video excerpt he is actively espousing overt, forceful censorship of people who question the current American societal pillar of fawning idolatry for sexual deviancy. Censorship is not a liberal value: it's a conservative one!

In fact, the whole Democratic party now represents the closed-minded conservative wing of American politics: they support the status quo establishment in Washington; they back the status-quo Fascist/Socialist "public-private cartel" model of economics; they enthusiastically endorse and spread the status quo American Imperialist propaganda, mocking and ridiculing anti-war sentiments; they are near militant supporters of Big Business tech companies; and having won the culture war, they are endorsing violent, Stasi-style suppression of anyone who questions the status quo societal norms and mores.

And in true turn-style fashion, the Republicans are now the open-minded liberals: they support classically liberal ideas such as free speech and near-or-absolute laissez-faire economics; they are actively questioning and protesting against the present values embedded in society; they are opposed to the Big Business tech companies; and they are vehemently anti-war, anti-centralization, and "down with the man" anti-establishment.

So tell me now: which is the "Left-wing" party, and which is the "Right-wing"? The traditional, dichotomous model is hopelessly confused.