The Exigent Duality
Greek Alphabet Psychology - 09:30 CST, 11/10/18 (Sniper)
Hah, I've become addicted to the site "Urban Dictionary". There is an internet term which describes me exactly; bold emphasis is mine:

"The polar opposite of the Alpha Male. Omega Males can have friends and close acquaintances but prefer to accomplish things on their own without the help of a group. Omega Males generally don't belong to any cliques and have no desire to be the leader or most outstanding of said clique. Omega Males have relations with people from all groups and carry a resourcefulness and cunning (sometimes strength) to get a job done with their own skill.

An Alpha Male MUST absolutely be perceived by his peers as the toughest, most popular, and smartest. An Omega Male cares little for this recognition...but knows that he is all those things and more."

People have asked me why I seldom locked horns with my controlling, Alpha Male dad growing up-- the reason is because I was content to let him do his leadership thing, where he was generally very competent, then just go behind him and trim around the edges where he'd make mistakes.

It's the same pattern professionally: my managers, who know what I'm doing every day, always describe me as a leader-- but no one else realizes that aspect of me, because I'm "engine room" quiet about it. I recognize that others need the recognition, so I let them have it. But to the degree which they make mistakes or become incompetent, is the degree to which I consciously take on more active leadership myself.

Of course, another major aspect of my reluctance to be an overt leader is my intense introversion, or my "high level autism" traits, as they could be described: once I "appointed myself" project manager when the actual person was utterly inept and absent in her job-- after about six months of constant meetings and socializing, I essentially melted down into nothing. But that's neither here nor there.