The Exigent Duality
Life with Leftists - 18:07 CST, 11/01/18 (Sniper)
I've been trying to deduce what's been going on with the "white trash" trailer park neighbors, who live in a house almost directly across from my Murderapolis abode.

For the past six or eight months, they will have between five and ten cars show up, each evening, which sit there for between thirty and sixty minutes, then disappear. "Maybe they just have parties every night?", you might propose.

Here's the kicker: I never, ever see the same car twice! Right now, there's a rusted out silver Hyundai Accent, some kind of contemporary-looking white cute-ute, and a ghetto looking BMW X5, all parked right in front of my house. I have never seen any of those three cars before, and wager I'll never see them again.

At first I'd assumed they were selling drugs. But if that were the case, you'd think people would be stopping there for less than five minutes. Now I'm thinking that they're having orgies, or some other sorts of sex parties. It fits the time windows, and the lack of repeats.

I wouldn't care, except that they literally take up my entire section of the block, like it's their personal parking lot. My next-door neighbors presently have had to drop their car three houses down, because there's no other open space!