The Exigent Duality
Influential - 09:01 CST, 10/26/18 (Sniper)
What a throwback... this was my favorite film all through my childhood-- but I hadn't so much as heard or seen any mention or footage from it until about five minutes ago, in the form of this video.

I call my world view "realistic". Others call it "dark". Either way, I don't soften my perceptions with comforting-but-false delusions like most people do (think deities and afterlives, ignore problems and they will go away, etc.).

I've always thought that my way of viewing the world was, in part, due to exposure to this film at such an impressionable age. Skipping forward through the video now, I think a lot of the messaging and imagery is pretty disturbing even through my adult eyes, much less to my six years-old self.