The Exigent Duality
What's Logic? - 16:41 CST, 4/18/18 (Sniper)
I still get paper editions of the positively ancient game magazine "Game Informer", and while I chuck most of them straight into the dumpster, every once in awhile I'll crack one open for some laughs.

You see, like all Leftists, the writers there simply can't help but push their political views on everyone-- even in a freaking video game magazine!

A wonderful article in the May edition goes like this: "We all know how terrible it is to create straw men or seek an easy scapegoat in an attempt to avoid asking the hard questions about violent behavior. That's why we need to be clear: video games aren't the problem-- guns are!"

I'm not making this up, that's very nearly a verbatim quote! And no, it's not a satirical piece so far as I can tell, even though it almost reads like it's from "The Onion".