The Exigent Duality
Ambition and Virtue - 11:16 CST, 12/12/23 (Sniper)
This is an excellent interview with Claudio Lotito. Run it through a "Google Translate" browser plugin to read it in English.

The men I've always admired most have been the ones who combine virtue with ambition; being assertive, and also intellectually curious; knowing what they and others want, and figuring out how to deliver it. Lotito is a great example, and in fact I underestimated his willingness to get his hands dirty with philosophical concepts. Take this answer, for instance:

"I don't have any revenge to assert. This period we are experiencing of strong aggression, violence and total lack of the value of the human being arises from a very simple fact: from the absolute lack of awareness of the value of oneself.

The Oracle of Delphi said 'know thyself'. If people had this introspective ability to know themselves, they would also know how far they can push themselves. The moment one is aware of himself he fears no comparisons. If you are prepared, you have studied and you are yourself, you are a free person. The problem is when you are not yourself and you are overstructured, you are no longer a free person. And it's easy to attack you.

I am a Catholic Christian preacher, so these precepts help me to behave respectfully towards others. In fact I avoid jokes. 'Don't do to others what you wouldn't want them to do to you', this is the theme. Today, however, we live 'mors tua, vita mea'. However, these things don't work, because then what the human being is is lost. The difference between man and beast is rationality."

I also got a valuable thing out of this interview-- the song they play after Lazio home matches conclude, where there are some sixty-thousand people singing along to the chorus: 1972's "I giardini di marzo", from Lucio Battisti.

Falling Apart, Or Simple Road Block?

There are two things which can stop the Globohomos: either the reactionaries truly grow a pair, or the Globohomo agenda collapses under its own weight. I'm not holding my breath on the first one-- so how about the second? Their biggest push thus far in the realm of legislation has involved EeeVees-- so studying how successful that initiative becomes may give us some insight into how well their future actions may go.

EeeVees are imploding. They are piling up on dealer lots like nothing else. Because EeeVee batteries degrade even when the vehicle is sitting parked, logistical nightmares involving extension cords and the constant shuffling of vehicles appear for dealerships. I just read that Ford is cutting their external combustion F-150 production in half; and Congress has built zero chargers from seventy five billion dollars.

Incidentally, I also found the term "range anxiety" to be funny-- as if it's not a legitimate concern, and merely a sort of delusion. Let's say I invent a new kind of furnace, which is twice as expensive and only heats your home three days per week, when it's twenty below outside. And the State apparatus is trying to foist these new furnaces on everyone-- yet people still don't want them. "People just don't want to buy my furnace because they have 'heat anxiety', that's all. I just need some better advertising and propaganda!"

Either the entire Globohomo war front will collapse and be forced into retreat, or they will perceive these setbacks as mere road blocks, and continue unabated. It's unclear to me to what degree reality-assertion will shut them down.

Lust for Power Knows No Ends

The history books are not going to be kind to the Democrats. Here they were caught cramming thousands of illegal aliens-- humans!-- into a warehouse, in horrible living conditions. Meanwhile, child sex traficking-- i.e. adolescent slave trading-- is off the charts. All of this is just so they can change the electorate to remain in power indefinitely, by replacing white people with third-worlders.

A quote from the article:

"I honestly couldn't believe it when I first heard it. 2700 illegals being housed in a warehouse in south Chicago (2241 S. Halsted St). People have no idea how bad this is going to get! The truth about the Democrat's illegal invasion: drugs, prostitution, child trafficking, and modern-day slavery."

Thankfully, some influential people such as Elon Musk are starting to figure things out. He's still a transhumanist, but he clearly has a strong sense of moral principles, even if those principles remain under intense development. I never thought I would see him in a live chat with Alex Jones, Mark Dice, Laura Loomer and others-- yet here we are.

Silly Game Design Statement

I thought this was a dumb thing to say. Clearly, Eiji Aonuma knows a lot about game design-- yet here he seems oblivious about the trade-offs between approaches, wondering why someone would want to be "more limited" in the gameplay actions they can take.

The answer is obvious: in a constrained design the player can be psychologically, subconsciously steered in just the way the designer has intended. This makes the player feel very satisfied as he enjoys progressing. A perfect example is that old "Mega Man! Mega Man!" Mega Man X analysis video, which shows how the game's level design serves as a tutorial, without the player even realizing it.

With an open world design, this water tightness is almost totally lost: huge chunks of the gameplay loop are spent with the player merely running around, which is boring. Plus, in this situation the designer is never quite sure what the player is "looking at", so it's difficult to signpost. The advantage is "fewer limits", as Aonuma correctly observes-- but there is a cost in the equation as well, which he ignores for some reason.

Signal and Tor

I don't use Tor, but having been using Signal for many years. Turns out, both are CIA creations, and in fact the State apparatus devotes a great deal of resources on compromised Tor exit nodes, so they can de-anonymize the traffic. I still think Signal can be trusted simply due to the way it works-- but Tor users might want to think twice.

Good and Bad

Life is all about competing concerns. Behold, young people are questioning the "Holocaust" narrative. This is a good thing, since I'm almost certain it did not happen in nearly the way it was told-- something I've written in more detail about in the past.

The bad thing is the reason for their belief: they did not arrive at the conclusion via careful consideration and a mindful plus objective study of the facts-- rather, they arrived at it because they are brainwashed with Cultural Marxist "Victimhood Olympics".

The irony is that Jews created this phony baloney model-- via the Frankfurt School-- as a way to denigrate and ultimately eliminate white Europeans, who are the only ones in the Western hemisphere smart and strong enough to theoretically push back against the constant Bolshevist Jew meddling. It's like what's been said: "We Jews can only thrive in a liberal 'anything goes' environment."

For those who prefer things in bulleted form:

  1. Jews spent decades preaching Cultural Marxism in American universities: whites and Christians are "oppressive", worked to tear them down to ensure "anything goes" militant pluralistic environment, which is only system in which Jews don't get booted out of countries.

  2. As a natural outcome of the program, an entire generation of Americans began to propagate brown people and Muslims.

  3. Support of brown people and Muslims caused this generation to in turn hate Israel and Jews as "oppressors" as well.

  4. The Jews panic, as seen at the 10:10 mark of this video; they loathe the monster of their own creation.

You can see myriad examples of anti-white hatred at the 17:00 mark of that video. It's also worth watching the clip at the 25:35 portion, where a Rabbi admits that the Jews get kicked out of everyplace due to predatory lending and other schemes. As a partial aside, Vincent James is excellent on this subject, and I highly recommend his content.

Lack of Consequences

Another recent Vincent James video discusses Vivek Ramaswamy's political destruction of "Dick Cheney in heels" Nimarata Randhawa. Normally politicians are good at putting on facades-- I have never seen emotions so transparently play across one of their faces, as progressed on hers during her humiliation. Vivek is twice as eloquent as her, and has a thirty-plus IQ point advantage-- she's no match.

There was a lot of pearl clutching regarding Vivek's treatment of her-- "Oh my, someone said mean things to her on a stage!"-- but the truth is she should be tried for war crimes and possibly hung from a lamp post. She has supported and advocated for, from positions of extreme power and influence at the highest levels of the American State apparatus, wars which have killed and displaced countless millions of people. What are the consequences? She got filthy rich and is running for US President.

During the Scamdemic, a doctor at a friend's workplace blanket told every employee via several published videos and intranet articles that, regardless of health status, age, risk factors, family history, other medications, and so forth, they should get the clot shots. I just saw data where from New Zealand, where 25% of people from one of the batches literally died. Millions have died around the world from these shots. Where are the consequences for this doctor? He still has his medical license. How many employees possibly died due to his ideologically-driven advice?

Of course, now medical schools are saying that field expertise is secondary to ideological concerns. In the coming years and decades, be prepared to absolutely not trust your doctor's advice.

But back to the main point: this is why Trump was satisfying in 2016, and this is why Vivek is satisfying in 2023. Since there are no real consequences for the bad actors, at the very least we get to see them undergo verbal hide kickings. It's not much, but I'll take what I can get.