The Exigent Duality
Balance not achieved - 11:30 CST, 2/28/17 (Sniper)
Two months ago I was on a team with too little process, and too much collaboration-- they wanted to have a dozen people sit around in a room and write code together. It was ridiculously inefficient, and resulted in unmaintainable code.

Now I'm on a team with too much process, and too little collaboration-- to the point where people act annoyed if you ask them a question. Meanwhile, the code has broken unit tests all over the place, methods with several dozen lines in them, .Net solutions with fifty (!) projects, and so on.

I can't win!

On the last team, I managed by attending the meetings, but basically checking out during them. On the current team, I'm going to have to manage by being a monkey that blindly follows the process, even if it results in poor code: fire off the commit and forget about it, baby.