The Exigent Duality
Jammin' - 07:36 CST, 2/28/17 (Sniper)
I'd say the earliest age where a typical kid would "get" the humor in Toejam & Early is probably five or six... yet, Duncan-- having never seen the game before-- was positively cracking up at it last night as we were playing two player. "Papa, Earth is like floating islands in space! What the heck!"

He was nearly crying at Toejam as the latter was about to fall off of a ledge: "Whoa! Whoa! Heh heh heh heh, whoa!" He also thought that Santa's rocket pack was hilarious. He was also highly amused when I showed him how, once in awhile, you can catch the mailbox monsters' eyes peeking out. Even the irony of a present containing something bad, like a rain cloud that electrocutes you with lightening, wasn't lost on him!