The Exigent Duality
The witch who makes them say stupid things - 06:34 CST, 2/07/17 (Sniper)
I've never had accounts with, or otherwise supported in any way, sleazy "social media" platforms like Facebook or Twitter, in large part because Silicon Valley-stylized twerp founders are so trashy. Looks like my intuition is confirmed.

I get that these are private platforms, and that they have the natural right to do as they please with their own property so long as they aren't initiating force. But that doesn't mean I can't question their character or fabric as human beings; take for example the guy who draws and quarters animals in his front yard for fun.

If you have something to say, do what I do: run your own damned server. That way, you control one hundred percent of everything, from the style of the pages to the content. And if you want it offline for some reason, you yank the ethernet cable out of the motherboard. It's as close to "internet sovereignty" as you can get.