The Exigent Duality
Diversity-- what does it actually mean? - 09:14 CST, 9/02/16 (Sniper)
Strike up a couple of new success stories for central planning! What a great paradigm.

Also, I asked my wife this morning why we should have "diversity". At first she shrugged and said she had no idea. After a moment, she added, "maybe it's to get 'desensitized' to contrary opinions, since you need to learn to get along with people who have alternate views?"

"Ok", I thought, "that sounds superficially plausible. How can I test that hypothesis?" I followed up with the question, "if there was a school of all black people, do you think the diversity crowd would set up quotas to get more white people into the school, in order to condition the black people to alternate viewpoints?" My wife answered, "Hmmm... no, I don't think so."

Neither did I. In fact, I think they would call such a quota "racist". Additionally, it's people from the "diversity" crowd that want to set up "safe spaces" in universities, to shelter people from alternate view points. And from an anecdotal perspective, I remember almost getting beat up at a class years ago by black people and a handful of aggressive white women for making the case that perhaps George Zimmerman was not a racist, and that he'd done nothing wrong-- the crowd didn't seem too interested in hearing that alternative opinion.

Beyond all of that, from my study of history, it seems like people are the happiest, and cultures the most vibrant and prosperous, when there is little diversity. I can't find any evidence in history of a time where people with different values lived in any particular kind of harmony. Heck, even in my high school cafeteria, the Asian kids sat together, the girls sat separate from the guys, and so on-- people are hard-wired to prefer being around others who are like them.

From all of this, the only logical conclusion I can draw then is that when people say "diversity", they are actually referring to "cultural Marxism". In other words, they are not interested in "diverse" view points-- they are solely interested in the viewpoints of so-called "oppressed groups."

If this is true, then it logically follows that "diversity" is as big of a load of bull shit as "cultural Marxism" is, since the two are in fact synonymous.