The Exigent Duality
Proven even as I write this - 07:17 CST, 1/02/16 (Sniper)
Here is a kind of interesting infographic, for those that aren't already versed in the subject at even a cursory level.

Read the Keynesian side, then look at what is happening in the world right now-- like, as I write this: the Chinese central bank and government created money out of thin air to artificially expand credit, creating an infrastructure boom, driving the prices of commodities like oil and steel to stratospheric levels.

Now go read the Austrian side to follow this next part: the credit expansion was revealed to be malinvestment (ghost cities with no one in them, trains to nowhere, and so on), causing the prices of aforementioned commodities to totally collapse, leading to a global recession as price discovery (or what's left of it) tries to shift resources back to where they belong.

The entire global economic slump, ongoing and of today, is down to a failure of the left side of the chart, with the right side of the chart providing the exact explanation for what has happened. It's irrefutable-- even mainstream economic commentary acknowledges it (while conveniently failing to contextualize it like how I am in this post).

It's a total repudiation of Keynesianism, and a total affirmation of Austrian economics, all at the same time.