The Exigent Duality
Lack of self-awareness - 09:18 CST, 2/08/15 (Sniper)
This is related to something I wrote in my previous post, specifically the song's references to moral relativism and letting emotion guide your decision making, both of which I see continuously emphasized all around me in the world today-- such as in the aforementioned cartoon's theme song.

More specifically, it's "progressive liberals" who seem to embody these two, "post-modern" traits-- through overt extollation in the former case, and through their actions in the second case. Let's explore.

On moral relativism

The claiming of moral relativism is positively and strongly correlated to what's called today "progressive liberalism" in America. This is backed by numerous studies, where people are asked whether morality has absolute principles or is relativistic, and then asked about their political affiliation.

So, "progressive liberals" = moral relativists. Ok.

This next part is anecdotal, but I don't think too many people reading this will disagree: "progressive liberals" are the people who are the most outspoken and in-your-face about their views-- but where they ironically articulate their views in black and white, morally absolutist terms!

"A woman has 'reproductive rights' no matter what", "it's wrong to let people suffer if you have the means to help them", "it's wrong the harm the environment", "everyone needs to have the right to vote", "everyone should have equal rights", and on and on it goes.

So, "progressive liberals" = moral absolutists. Wait, what?

They also always seem to have this faux-reverence for cultures like the "enlightened, Democratic" Ancient Greeks, or for processes like the scientific method. How many times do you hear "progressive liberals" declare that people who disagree with them are "anti-science"? Well, guess what: the Greeks, and the scientific method, were and are about determining absolute truth through reason.

On emotion-based thinking

How many times have you seen "I think therefore I'm liberal" bumper stickers? But that's strictly untrue; the "feeling"-- meaning, tends to make decisions via emotion-- dimension is positively and strongly correlated on Myers-Briggs tests to "progressive liberalism". Whereas feeling's opposite dimension-- "thinking"-- is most associated with political "conservatism".

On top of that, studies have indicated that people who are "conservative" tend to use the left side of their brain, whereas "progressive liberals" tend to use the right side. The left side of the brain is used for logical, analytical thinking. The right side of the brain controls emotional.

Thus, accurate bumper stickers would read, "I feel therefore I'm liberal", and "I think therefore I'm conservative." But let's not allow scientific inquiry get in the way of the emotion-based narrative.


So "progressive liberals", who seem to dominate social discourse these days, are kind of a muddied mess with an extraordinary lack of self-awareness; they view the world in terms of moral absolutes while simultaneously extolling exactly the opposite. And on top of it, they view themselves as vessels of pure rationality, but in reality they are guided primarily by emotion. They're like that saying, "some people don't know what they don't know."

But after all, I guess it takes just that kind of person to use the absolutist statement "there are no absolutes" with a straight face.