The Exigent Duality
The importance of not voting - 15:45 CST, 11/04/14 (Sniper)
Voting is, by definition, granting your stamp of approval, and not just for the individual towards which you cast your ballot, but for the system itself. The best form of resistance is non-participation-- in elections, and also economically where applicable, where one can avoid paying taxes by being as self-sufficient as possible.

On a related note, one of the favorite Statist lines is "if you don't vote, then you can't complain!" But actually it's just the opposite-- if you choose to endorse the system by voting you can't complain; you voted for it! Were you expecting a different outcome than the one you got, despite thousands of years of examples of total government tyranny?

Now, don't mistake this to mean that I think casting a ballot is the same thing as the granting of approval of every immoral action the State subsequently takes; State membership is totally involuntary for everyone, whether they vote or not-- I don't see an option on the ballot to eliminate government, nor do I hold my breath that everyone will suddenly come to their senses and abstain. Rather, I just don't have as much sympathy for people who vote and then go on to complain, and I find it tiresome when they contort silly arguments to shame non-voters into complicity.