The Exigent Duality
Need some variety - 14:18 CST, 6/09/14 (Sniper)
Loosely followed Microsoft's E3 conference today; if you like super dark, "mature"/immature shooter dudebro/Hollywood style action games, you will be in gaming nirvana this year. If you kind of wish there were "triple-A" games in more creative, "thinking man's" genres, like there were in the 80s and 90s, you will be disappointed.

Not to say some of the dudebro shooters don't look interesting to me; Destiny and Evolve look like they'll be pretty fun. I just wish there were more "Zoo Tycoon"-style releases these days. And don't say "indie"; those are all just a bunch of hyper-stylized, pretentious rogue-likes-- equally boring.