The Exigent Duality
The Weather and Illness - 06:01 CST, 11/09/21 (Sniper)
It's nice to see someone like Stockman discussing carbon dioxide data, since it immediately pushes a pin into the hysteria-mongerer's balloon. I have also looked at the numbers, and have written posts about them such as this one. Carbon dioxide is a fraction of one percent of the Earth's atmosphere, and man's contribution to that is small. In sum total, man has changed the composition of the atmosphere by something like a thousandth of a percent. Further, carbon dioxide levels were 237 times higher in the past, and Earth did not become Venus. Stockman also goes through a nice summary of just how often the Earth's climate changed all on its own-- radically, and in both directions.

The parallels between the "climate change" hysteria and the WuFlu hysteria are remarkable. In the former's case, Obama buys property two inches above sea level, and the world's elites fly around in private jets-- while any cursory review of the Earth's past reveals that the narrative is bunk. In the latter's case, the elites go around maskless to private dinner parties at five hundred dollar plate restaurants and let millions of infected illegal aliens cross the border, while telling children that they need to suffocate themselves in school-- while any cursory review of the data on masks, the clot shots, and the WuFlu itself reveals the narrative to be bunk.

If the Earth were really about to end, people would be retiring en masse, cashing out their 401ks, and buying Lamborghinis. If the world were actually in a pandemic, they wouldn't be leaving their houses at all: would you really go grocery shopping if there was a lethal virus floating around killing everyone?

No one actually believes any of this. They don't think the world is about to end. They realize that the WuFlu isn't dangerous, and that taping a piece of toilet paper to their face wouldn't stop it if it was. Like children who pretend believe in Santa Claus for fun, they are feigning belief-- sometimes so ardently that they even fool themselves in moments of weakness-- so they can impress their neighbors and coworkers with how much they "care", and so they have an excuse to not drive into the office anymore. They are so caught in this miasma of groupthink and delusion, that pointing their state out to them causes them to become angry, and aggressive.

And from the elites' standpoint, all of this is about power and control. Nothing more. Put all of these things together, and you have today's clown world.