The Exigent Duality
Intrinsically Limited - 12:01 CST, 3/06/21 (Sniper)
Thomas Sowell was really on to something with his "constrained" and "unconstrained" vision model: Tom discusses the model in this superb talk.

One of the first pejoratives people throw at me when I discuss Anarcho Capitalism is that I'm some kind of "utopian"-- but it's completely the opposite! Anarcho Capitalism was borne from an acknowledgement that if you charter the world's largest corporation and give it a monopoly on force, the very first thing which will happen is that institution will get co-opted by the most evil, sociopathic people on the planet.

In other words, you did all of the hard work for them! You literally handed them the keys to the kingdom-- total control over your life!

Among their many other thinking mistakes, Statists believe in the "unconstrained" vision: that somehow this institution will be populated with omniscient, wise, benevolent rulers-- that it won't run amok. The Ancap, by contrast, knows better.