The Exigent Duality
Analog Future? - 14:52 CST, 2/28/21 (Sniper)
Reading this article has got me wondering whether it's possible to have some other form of fully-analog display, without using cathode-ray tubes.

Regular readers will know that I'm a CRT purist, especially for old games which were drawn with luminescent scanlines in mind and which don't look correct without, so I won't continue to beat that dead horse. At the same time, large CRTs are almost prohibitively large and heavy-- I own several of them, the largest of which is permanently trapped in my Murderapolis basement, because it weighs two hundred pounds!

That said, digital displays are positively terrible in pretty much every way, and have numerous complicated bandaids, like HDR and BFI, simply to have acceptable contrast and motion blur levels.

Heck, for that matter digital anything is pretty terrible: cabling has constant handshake issues and when it degrades the bits become corrupt resulting in an effective and total signal loss; audio and video are space consuming when at a "can't tell the difference" level versus the "real" analog deal; digital lighting in video games is a poor imitation even today; and so forth. We live in an analog world, not a digital one, so digital is just a cheap imitation which can only try to mitigate its intrinsic shortcomings.

Maybe in a post-silicon one hundred years, all computers and "electronics" will be fully analog, using some kind of space-compact new technology breakthrough?