The Exigent Duality
Strange Times - 07:47 CST, 2/05/21 (Sniper)
As I've written several times, the Democrats are trying to model the United States after China-- and in many ways, it's already a done deal: I oftentimes can't tell the difference!

Another assertion I once made was, if the media hadn't wildly exaggerated the WuFlu in order to get Trump out of office, life would have just gone on as normal, and hardly anyone would have even known it was "a thing". It would have just been the occasional office water cooler talk, "More people than usual calling in sick, very interesting, oh well!" Turns out, there is a pretty strong basis to my thinking.

But as Don and Chris say, threats don't even need to be real for them to be believed.

The other notable thing going on is the gas lighting. Through Mark Dice and others, I have been following the absolutely incredible censorship of Conservatives for year now-- but pointing out the censorship is now considered "misinformation", and will get you censored! You know, censored, which isn't actually happening, and if you say so we'll censor you, which isn't actually happening, so you'd better not say it or we'll censor you, which isn't actually happening...

Ditto for the "selection": hundreds and hundreds of signed affidavits, voting machines getting hacked in real-time proof-of-concept demonstrations, professional statistical analysis proving that the result counts were manipulated, undercover sting operations catching ballot harvesters red-handed... but nope, all "misinformation!"

Interestingly, this could all backfire on the Left: it took Creepy Beijing Biden like forty eight hours in office before his approval rating torpedoed, and none of the Left's ideas are even remotely workable without magically conjuring hundreds of trillions of dollars out of nowhere. The Left are so incompetent, maybe handing the two year old the box of matches and say "go for it" is the best thing which could happen, in terms of long-term outcomes.