The Exigent Duality
Parallel Plans - 07:04 CST, 1/09/21 (Sniper)
As I've said many times before, the Democrats are planning-- and now executing on their plan-- to turn the "USA" into the "CCP": here they are instituting a "Great Firewall of America", even trying to take down websites like Parler, which don't even belong to them!

They already control Wikipedia, and even modify dictionaries in real-time for political purposes. I'm pretty secure, as this blog runs on a server in my living room, hooked directly to a fiber line-- but how long before the Left go after the DNS system itself? Better start memorizing IP addresses, like in the early Quake days!

Eric Peters gets it: it's exactly as I've been saying. The "rules" no longer apply, because the other team isn't following them! Playing a football match when the other guys are picking up and running with the ball is how you lose. The problem is, Mr. Peters is literally one of the only people who get it.

Totally off topic, but I've been studying not just Ancient Chinese history, but Japanese computers from the 1980s. This is one of the coolest video game songs I've ever heard: the NEC "PC-88" models which had these FM chips can produce amazing stuff-- imagine if IBM PC XTs and ATs would have had sound capabilities like this, as an option?

One thing which was very different in Japan is that, unlike in America where there was a linear progression from 8088 to the 286 to the 386, and from CGA to EGA to VGA, is that the "PC-88" and "PC-98" co-existed as continuously-manufactured products, sold to different types of people: and they had whole libraries of games and other software produced for them, concurrently, over a decade-plus period.

Best I can gather so far is that the "PC-98" was more of an upscale business machine, whereas the "PC-88" was more home consumer-type oriented. And both series not only were manufactured and supported in parallel, but were updated in parallel with new processors, more RAM, and other capabilities. Very weird!