The Exigent Duality
Surviving Fear - 07:55 CST, 10/05/20 (Sniper)
This is a fun chart: but it's incredible the extent to which this Salem Witch Trial-esque mass delusion has spread even "outside of cities, towns, and villages"-- as in, areas such as at my bug out house for example where nearly one-in-five apparently have "high stress" about the WuFlu!

Of course, what the chart doesn't break down is the distinction between "has the stress been created by the WuFlu, or by the government's reaction to the WuFlu?" In my case, I have zero stress about the virus itself-- but have been subsequently denied access to health care and the ability to go into buildings other than my own home, because of my refusal to wear a Yellow badge-- facts which have certainly caused me some duress, at least.

Of course, we saw that happened next to the people wearing the Yellow badges, or the Stars of David armbands (or in this case, who decline to wear them). Don't think that would happen today for people who resist soon-to-be-mandatory microchipping or forced vaccinations? Check out the "political opponent" cases of Tommy Robinson and Julian Assange.

Back to the Yellow badge thing: I'm in the process of assembling an outfit which will permit me entry into buildings-- it consists of a camouflaged balaclava-style military head piece, the kind you'd see soldiers in the mountains in Asia wearing, along with a gun holster-adorned tactical vest. I will strap my USMC combat knife to it, and just generally look as scary as possible. It's a shame I don't have a gun "carry permit", or I'd even sling my AR-15 over my back in trips to the grocery store (yes, you can open carry long guns in my state).

I shouldn't need this outfit: I've gone this long without essentially leaving my house for moments other than walks outdoors, and I'm prepared to continue in this way-- but it will be nice to at least have an alternative option.