The Exigent Duality
Hamsters in Balls - 07:00 CST, 7/10/20 (Sniper)
For some time now, Scott Adams has been using a "two movies" analogy, where people in America can't even agree about basic facts despite sitting in the same theater. It's clearly because of this, which is a microcosmic example; where the Right are constantly inundated by and have overlapping values with Leftist opinions-- see Jonathan Haidt for more details-- the Left are in a total echo chamber, getting fed constant misinformation and "fake news", while simultaneously being not able to comprehend alternative viewpoints.

A good example is Corrronnna: people like myself were very cautious at first as the facts were unknown-- but because we read news from a variety of sources, we quickly realized that the threat was wildly overblown. Thus, millions of us started saying "nah" when it came to things like wearing what I began calling "Fear Masks", which were obviously being ordered by politicians for political opportunism, not "public health".

People on the Left, by contrast, mocked and ridiculed anyone who wore a mask on Monday, but then on Tuesday started mocking and ridiculing anyone who didn't wear them. Quite literally the only thing which changed between days A and B was a government decree. Then, because Lefties are incapable of comprehending anything outside of their immediate sphere, they started pathologizing people who were basing their decisions on science and facts, versus government mandates.

Two movies: in this case, the people acting like Michael Jackson-esque mysophobes thinking other people are the ones with mental illnesses! Interestingly, I saw this article today too-- I wonder how Lefties would square it; are entire countries mentally ill now as well? But I thought the psychological explanation was Bible Belt ignoramuses in rural American areas?