The Exigent Duality
Land Wasted - 06:50 CST, 5/18/20 (Sniper)
Daughter and I watched "The Shining" a couple of nights ago, and the "Kodiak" reminds me of a "Mad Max" version of the snow crawler in that film.

Something about Wasteland 3's art style and user interface looks "off" to me though; "Fortnite"? "Torchlight"? The second game was far from perfect, but I really hope this third entry doesn't totally eschew the "1980s CRPG" roots. It's one of those now-rare major releases which actually gets a native GNU/Linux port, so I've got my fingers crossed.

On an unrelated note, as is often the case the comments are better than the article:

"What's wrong with hate speech?

If someone post ideas/views that I don't agree with, then perhaps.

1) They are stupid, and showing their true colors. This exposes them. So I can choose to avoid them.

2) I am stupid, and need to look at my views.

Both 1 and 2 are good for society and personal growth in my view."