The Exigent Duality
Dire - 20:07 CST, 5/07/20 (Sniper)
The Xbox "gameplay" live stream today was eye-opening, and not in a positive way.

While most people are focusing on the fact that very little "gameplay" was actually shown-- which is true-- the thing which leapt out to me the most was just how dire and creatively bankrupt most of these games look. If this is the current state of third-party "triple-A" development, then I'm not sure how many of these publishers will still be around in a few years.

That said, "Scarlet Nexus" had some real music in it with a few plinks of actual melody, although graphically it just looked like a higher resolution Switch game-- "Astral Chain", maybe? And the weird dinosaur game "Second Extinction" might be ok, in an "Evolve" or "Left 4 Dead" kind of way.

But I'm reaching.