The Exigent Duality
Gives Fancy Interviews - 08:11 CST, 5/03/19 (Sniper)
I like Lisa Su and I think she's done a good job with AMD: from a personal standpoint, I've been all-in on their CPUs for two years now. But at the same time, CEO talk in general contains a lot of BS: "it's all about the journey!" Pffft.

For example, a big reason why AMD is doing well is because of Ryzen. And my understanding is that the reason Ryzen exists at all in the successful form it does is because Jim Keller had decided to re-join AMD.

In other words, if it weren't for one guy unexpectedly and suddenly going to work in the trenches, she's not sitting there two years later giving this fluffy CNBC interview, talking about her "well thought out long-term plans"-- it's total bunk.

Lisa Su did not design a single circuit in Ryzen, nor did she do any of the marketing, nor any of the manufacturing. I think Tolstoy is right, in that historians and observers in general give way too much credit to "leaders" for things over which they actually had very little to do.