The Exigent Duality
Both - 08:55 CST, 12/19/18 (Sniper)
There has been a debate going on in the football world for over a hundred years, regarding whether it's more important to "pragmatically" get results even if the play is ugly, or to play "beautifully", even if it means sacrificing results at times.

This article is a fascinating glimpse into that debate in 2018, replete with several juicy quotes-- especially the sarcastic Mourinho one, "maybe some day people will want to play football on pretty grass with no goals", hah!

As for me, I don't really think the two are mutually exclusive, in the sense that there is a different kind of beauty to a "get results" mentality, such as Herrera's "Catenaccio" tactics, to name just one example. Gianni Brera once said that the "perfect" result was 0-0, and I can definitely understand where he was coming from.