The Exigent Duality
Improvement: Turn Mario into Sonic - 07:52 CST, 10/07/18 (Sniper)
Hilarious: if you re-do the Super Mario Bros. formula with a Sonic-esque aesthetic, it's instantly the best looking Mario game ever. Who'd have ever imagined? Not to mention, they took an intrinsically dorky, unlikable character design and made him cool.

As for all of the 3D Sonic remake business... let's just leave the whole "Sonic Adventure" formula behind-- the only thing those games share in common with the 2D ones is the universe.

The most interesting part is the Saturn engine-- but why mimic the obviously terrible, beta-quality stages from the unfinished "X-treme" work? What I wouldn't give to be handed the reins on designing a polygonal Saturn Sonic game-- I think I could come up with something really fun to play.