The Exigent Duality
Indoctrination is Forever - 18:14 CST, 10/05/18 (Sniper)
Wifey and I bought a stack of books from a local home schooling store. The kids and I got about two chapters into a conventional school science text book, before I had to stop: "wait a minute..."

My suspicions were confirmed as I started flipping through it, taking pictures along the way. As you look at them, ask yourself: is this book actually designed to teach the facts of science? Or is it made for some other purpose?

From a purely academic standpoint, it's supposed to be targeted to a third grade level. But even Duncan, who would have just started Kindergarten, was laughing at repeated quotes like "birds have wings", and "plants need soil to grow."

And remember, in an actual school, your kid is getting this caliber and style of "education" in every class. And these pictures are just a subset, and from not even the first half of this (rather brief) book. I could have kept going and going, but got bored.

Needless to say, the book went straight into the dumpster.