Genre: First-Person Shooter
Developer: Logicware
Publisher: Interplay
There were two branches of Wolf3d: the first was the original PC version, and the second was the Mac port. This 3DO version is a port of the Mac version of Wolf3d. What this means in terms of graphics is that the game runs at 640x480 as opposed to 320x200, and the sprites and textures have been sharpened, making for a prettier version of the famous PC original. In 3DO terms, this title has solid visuals, although not stellar, and I don't like how they completely replaced some of the texture themes from the original.
Another difference in the Mac (and thus 3DO) versions of Wolf3d is that they removed Bobby Prince's sensational soundtrack, and inexplicably replaced it with music that sounds like it came out of some cheesy American action flic, which is a huge step backwards. Also gone are the outstanding sound effects and voice acting from the original; every enemy in this version of the game says the same thing, eliminating most of the character that the original game had. On the other hand, the audio is of very high quality, so if you never played the original, the sound isn't too bad.
Years after its release, Wolf3d is still a very playable and enjoyable game. The control scheme makes a smooth transition to the 3DO controller, and even the auto-map function from the Mac version is accessible here. The silly new weapons- flame thrower and rocket launcher- that were added to the aforementioned Mac port are here and really don't add anything, but the old weapons are as effective as ever, and the map pacing and enemy layout is fantastic.
By some accounts, the 3DO version of Wolf3d is like "grand finale mega version" of the still stellar game, as it contains the improvements that the Mac version brought to the table, and features all 6 episodes of the original, plus the 30-map Mac episode, ending in a grand total of ninety maps! By other accounts, this is just an average port of what was a lousy, unfaithful Mac version of the legendary PC game. My opinion falls between the two- they slaughtered the audio, but did include gobs of maps and some smooth graphics, making me very happy.
Sniper's verdict: