Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear (TimeMage)
Format: Advance
Genre: Stealth/Action
Developer: Ubi Soft
Publisher: Ubi Soft

Stealth! Adding this to the genre of games I am not proficient in. Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six is name synonymous with shooting and special ops styled games. Though this is the first I've played, even I am well aware of the legacy this series and the ghost recon series bring to gaming. I'll start off by addressing the elephants in the room. I gave this game a really low score in my review, why? Well this rendition of a stealth game had a plethora of issues bogging it down. The first and foremost was it's button setup. With most games you can get away with a weird button layout on one or two actions or commands, however, there are 2 genre types where this is an absolute sin. High-Action games and Stealth games. This game is a Stealth game, and has broken that taboo and made the controls overtly complex. To get an idea, the "rescue hostage/use door" button is on the same button that shoots your gun. The "crouch" button is on the same button that reloads. Finally the "change party member" buttons are on both the reload AND the shoot your gun buttons. Strafing and Aiming are also very awkward in this game. The game itself plays like a top-down tactical stealth/shooter game where you have up to 4 members on each mission to complete an objective. If your team dies but you complete the objectives, they remain dead for the rest of the campaign. Oh well. Lotsa funerals... LOTS OF FUNERALS. you're given a choice of like, 30 guys and there are 15 missions in the game. Each guy has their own stats and strengths as well as their own job. There are 4 jobs in this game "Assault", "Demolitionist", "Sniper", and "Recon". Their jobs determine what weapon loadout they have. Assaults have fairly good range when aiming and consistent auto-fire, as well as good health. Demolitionists have shotguns and frag grenades, which are good in really close range or corner situations. Snipers are the bread and butter of the later levels, their only use is, obviously, the sniper rifle! It lets you see, and more importantly kill, targets multiple screens away. Last is Recon who's use is arguable. Recon units let you see the locations of nearby enemies on the map. They also wield a slightly-less viable machine gun than the assault(no auto). Recons are typically very stealthy too. To complete most missions you don't need to care all that much, up until level 9 and level 13. These 2 particularly shitty levels made it onto my shitlist. Level 9 (Resolute Bridge) is a stealth only mission where you CANNOT KILL at all. It's this mission where I discovered that the stealth aspect in this game was crap. Level 13 also was crap. Actually every level after 9 was ridiculous and bad in it's own way. The reason level 13 was crap though, was because it REQUIRES you to do two things, bring an assault character & switch teammates. Up until level 13 you could, if you were skilled enough, go through the game with a single character and use the extra teammates as backup lives. Level 13 you were straight up required to switch characters to rescue a hostage. Speaking of hostages, you ever shot one in the face? I know I have because I've played this game. The same to rescue is the shoot button, but the spacing to interact(aka hitbox) with doors and hostages in this game isn't clear at all. Sometimes you can be inside the hostage or behind them or in front of them and they won't interact. Worse than that, if you have a loaded gun, since it's the same button setup, you'll shoot! This can instantly kill a hostage and fail a mission or alert an enemy behind a door. Like I said, this is a cardinal sin for stealth games. Oh yeah, there's also no music during gameplay. This game has many many many issues and faults. It's probably worth a play if you're big into stealth games. It does have gameplay, it's just extremely hindered by it's design. Recruit units always come back even if they die.

All in All, I went with a score of 4.5 for Rogue Spear due to it's sloppy design. Button setup was horrific, Stealth Game with bad stealth, No in-game music, Forgettable storyline, Bad hitboxes, Kinda bad AI, Shooting Through Walls Syndrome, Stupid Long Hostage Walking Simulator.

TimeMage's verdict: