Format: Advance
Genre: Action platformer
Developer: Tom Create Co., Ltd.
Publisher: Bandai America, Inc.
SD Gundam is the absolute black sheep of the gundam anime, often hated by all types of fans, the serious, the classic, the newcomers. What drives people away from SD Gundam is how ugly the graphics were compared to other Gundam titles such as Wing and G-Gundam, in addition to bastardizing the entire plot/story which usually holds a mildly serious tone in the gundam universe. SD Gundam is designed more for kids and young girls who want to see "cute robots". This is generally why the SD universe in Gundam is violently hated, yet, somehow they managed to make a highly viable game out of this atrocious universe. To start off, you get 3 Gundams you can free-switch between at any time in this game. "Captain Gundam" "Bakunetsumaru" and "Zero". Sure feels like every game around this time had a zero in it, eh? Captain Gundam is the main character that uses his fists to fight, and can knock enemies around the screen which will break blocks and sometimes reveal special bonuses, powerups, or life-ups. His special attack looks ALOT like Shining finger or burning finger, for those who know the reference. Bakunetsumaru is the red gundam that wields 2 swords. Apparently it's design was modeled after shining gundam, but it's far more dependent on those swords than any gundam I've ever seen. To put it bluntly, It can't jump that well, but it's a hell of a fighter. Think raphael from turtles. It's specialty move looks like something you'd see out of a power rangers scene. The last of your characters is Zero, or Zero Gundam as I'll call him. He's automatically flying when you select him and has a very different playstyle than the other 2 characters. He resembles a knight character and was designed after Zero Wing, where he gets his name. His movement is very jenky and you control where he goes with the control pad, but it has a very slip-ish nature to it. His attacks are based off how long you hold down the attack button. This is a fast paced game, so obviously I had a hard time using this character and didn't give him all that much time, but he had his moments when the innate flight ability helped. His specialty move looks very similar to the specialty of Rose Gundam from G-Gundam. There's 5 episodes in this game with a plethora of stages in each one, filled to the brim with enemies. The gameplay itself is something like a Metal Slug, which makes the action fast, hot, and heavy. Since the 2 characters you'll use often are the melee Captain or the slice-slice Bakunetsumaru, it's provides a very good flow to the game. The most interesting part of this game is how well it works considering it's SD Gundam. The comedy which is usually detestable, actually fits very well in game format. There's also plenty of secrets in this game as well as split paths. Infinite continues and checkpoints as well, meaning that even if you're terrible, you just need to get through it bit-by-bit in order to win. The music is probably the biggest downside to this game, but honestly, the whole game is rather enjoyable as it is. Speaking of gameplay though, this game features a "power level" system that increases and changes your attack depending on how many levels of power you have. Unfortunately it resets when you gameover. At level 5 power, Bakunetsumaru's very fast sword attack gets insanely fast and creates an aura whenever it's attacking! At level 9, Captain Gundam's attacks get a similar attribute. I didn't use zero enough to notice when his attacks change. ZakoZako Hour is also hilarious. Gameplay was fun, Graphics were Great, Music was "okay". As a game, SD Gundam is great, it's a shame they couldn't just make that series into a game instead of trying to anime-it-up.
All in All, a surprising 10.0 is what SD Gundam Force gets. Aside from the questionable music, this game didn't have that many flaws that I saw. Some enemies were annoying at times, but most everything could be overcome with skill or throwing bodies at it.
TimeMage's verdict: