Format: Advance
Genre: RPG
Developer: Capcom
Publisher: Capcom
The Wolf version of Battle Network 6. I've reviewed the Bird version of this about a year ago and mostly listed off everything this game is capable of, so this time I'm going to review the differences and new things I've discovered and experienced. To start off, this version (in my opinion) is far superior to Cybeast Falzar. Why? well first off you get HeatCross instead of SpoutCross. Falzar version gives you the Water, Wood,and Wind set of Crosses, as well as the Falzar Cybeast Cross. Now legitimately last time, I didn't understand all that much the differences with the cross system, but this time I decided to get a bit playful with it and found how incredibly strong it is. Specifically, the HeatCross combination with how many easily obtainable fire chips there are in the game makes this version superior in many ways. HeatCross gives +50 to fire chips, and when combined with the easy ADVANCE Programs you can form them into, makes it a match made in fiery undernet hell. HeatCross's basic charge attack is a flamethrower as well, very strong, especially with the BlkBomb chip which does a whopping 250 dmg to the entire enemy area. This version heavily benefits from a strong kinship to fire attribute. HeatMan - SlashMan - ElecMan - ChargeMan - EraseMan - are the link navis this time around. The story itself is identical to the Falzar version, so there's no special enemies aside from the final boss, which this time around is Gregar instead of Falzar. In that way, The only real difference between the versions is what your link navis are and the final boss. The link navis are the main focus of the difference in that they each have different varying minigames to unlock them. ElecMan, as an example, was like a game of hide and seek in the dark. Slashman was a rythmn game to chop vegetables. etc etc etc. SlashCross gives benefits to sword chips, and ElecCross obviously gives benefits to Elec Chips. The interesting one in this handful is EraseCross who has gives benefits to pointer chips(like the MachineGun line). What's interesting about EraseCross is that when using a colorless chip, when the enemy has the number "4" in their health, if they're an easy enemy they are automatically deleted. If they are an important enemy, they get smacked with a debuff bug that'll slowly drain their hp. ChargeCross is decidedly unappealing in all ways, but is the second fire element of the game that provides a "charge" feature to chips that HeatCross lacks. The basic ChargeCross buster charge might actually be a breaker move, but I never cared to investigate too much into it. In Falzar version, the final boss doesn't have a floor(because it's flying) but in the Gregar version the final boss does indeed stand on the ground. This is a huge difference maker since you can't use bomb-type weapons on the bird in Falzar, but you can in Gregar. HOWEVER this comes at a pretty hefty cost. Gregar is a no-shits type of boss. In all of his forms, he is a very serious threat. In Falzar the bird is often just hard to hit, but Gregar can actually delete you, fast. As soon as he gets locked on, he'll machine gun you down hard. He also uses a wide variety of AoE moves that are damaging, heavy, and fast. He might even have no-flinch super armor for all I know. It seemed like nothing I threw at him gave him much pause. Save Often. I explored the post-game a bit off in my own time as well(not included in the completion time) and mostly it's a bunch of time-wasting fetch quest stuff. If you plan to do post-game content, you need every single chip in the game registered in your library, and to do the entire request help board. The request board unlocks a protoman fight, the 200 chip collection unlocks a bass fight. Virus Battler is a must in that case simply because it's possibly the fastest way to get bug frags (which are required in heavy numbers). Virus Battler 3 only needs a champy and armadill to beat, gives 6 bug frags or 1500 zenny on every subsequent win. Beating any of the post-game stuff nets you a 'stamp' on the title screen to let you know you've accomplished something. I got a Cybeast Stamp and a Protoman Stamp as of typing this. Fun game but the collectathon is a bit RNG Heavy for post game.
Hot Tips: Just look up a guide for everything, save yourself the headaches.
BlkBomb + HeatCross is incredibly strong in this version.
All in All, scorching in with another perfect 10 score as megaman usually does. The post-game wrap up can be a bit tedious, and the choice of music in the "final scene" shouldn't bleed through to every overworld. It makes post-game a living hell where the mute button is the savior.
TimeMage's verdict: