Mega Man Battle Network 6: Cybeast Falzar (TimeMage)
Format: Advance
Genre: RPG
Developer: Capcom Production Studio 2
Publisher: Capcom

The 6th and final game in the Battle Network series. Unfortunately, or fortunately, I rolled this one first on my randomizer so I'm playing the last game before any of the others. After beating it, I can definitely say, that this was the definite "Ending" of the series. Very Definite. If they tried to revive the series after that ending, it would be a spit in the face of the series. To start out, this was a long game. Took me nearly 50 hours to go through everything in it, to fully enjoy it. Since this was my first Battle Network game, I wanted to give the game it's just due, and was pleasantly surprised at how tiny the game is, while simultaneously at how long the game is. The game itself is separated into an overworld with zones, and a net area, with random battles. The random battles themselves aren't excessively hard, but some may be incredibly difficult. The battles take place on 2 3x3 grids which you have free movement in. One 3x3 grid is the players movement area, the other 3x3 grid is the enemy movement area. Battles start with you selecting up to 5 "chips" which are activated with the A button in combat. Each chip does different things, but the majority of them are attacks which perform some type of animation, and do X amount of damage to a specific tile and anything standing on that tile in the enemies 3x3 grid. Since this is the last game in the Battle Network series, I have to assume all the fancy gadgets they put into this game were the culmination of everything in the series... and boy was there A LOT to learn. This game had Chips, Mega Chips, Giga Chips, Advanced Programs, Cross-Links, Custom Navi, Beast Out(Cybeast Fusion), Counters, Synchro, and small non-described combinations like freezing attacks and bomb explosions! There was so much specialty stuff that it almost became noxious to learn it all. There were also bug frags, gold drops, special chips, rare enemies, compression codes, and a request (sidequest) board! Oh yeah there's also battle records(time trial type stuff) and a virus-vs-virus sidequest combat thing. Oh right, and there are secret codes as well. This game... has... A LOT. The basic story is that "Lan Hikari", the operator of the Megaman PetNavi, moves away from his home city of ACDC town to a new place called Cyber City. Lots to explore, and lots of crazy, life ending shenanigans take place. It all leads up to the showdown with a tried and true classic of the megaman series, Dr. Wily, and the Cybeast Falzar. I'm not sure if it's new to the series, but one thing I thought that was particularly good with this game was the "Cross-Link" system, which allowed megaman to change his charged buster into different types of elemental attacks based on who he linked with. TomahawkMan, DustMan, and Spoutman were my goto. There were also lots of small mini-games in most areas of the plot, like "Avoid the Fire Bursts" and "Use the Soul Weapons". They helped break up the monotony of constant battles. Sometimes you run into old bosses in various areas as well, If you defeat them you get their chips and can use them. This game also has a ranking system for each battle. When you win a battle, the better and faster you do, the higher your rank, and the better your reward. For example, if you run into a wild BlastMan and defeat him fast without taking hits, you'll get a 150 power BlastManSP B chip... if you defeat him fast but take some hits, you'll get BlastManEX B chip, and if you defeat him after taking a pummeling or take a decently long amount of time, you'll get a BlastMan chip. I heavily abused BlastMan during my playthrough. Great Chips. The game allows you to have 2 folders and an "extra" folder that you cannot edit. Each folder must have 30 chips in it, and there are several rules revolving around what you can and cannot put into it, but it's just too much to talk about, figure it out for yourself. The custom navi is another giant vortex of "figure it out". It's worth it though. The game has so much to it, and it was really fun... you could say it was a real.... Blast Man.

Hot Tips: Get 3 BlastMan Chips and 2 BlastManEX Chips. Stock 3 'BigBomb V' from the chip shop when it opens. Search EVERYTHING until you get 32Memory from RegUps and make 'BigBomb V' your regular chip(solves 99% of encounters instantly). Save Often. TomahawkMan charge buster is a sword-attack. SpoutMan's buster charges the fastest. Autoheal & FlotShoe ALL THE TIME.

All in All, I gave this game a solid 10 because I didn't find any flaws in it. There was one part near the end that had an enemy that could ONLY be defeated by using a sword on it, but linking TomahawkMan gives you a natural sword-buster, so that negated it pretty fast and hard. Bass.exe was a turd. Not many negatives with this game.

TimeMage's verdict: