Format: Advance
Genre: Sports
Developer: Budcat Creations
Publisher: Electronic Arts
EA SPORTS, It's in the way. Madden, truly a classic title but in reality, were these games any good? well, sadly no. The truth is, all the Madden games kinda suck. The reality is, in the 90's, Madden was only hot shit because it's all we really had in terms of football franchises. Knowing how "PEOPLE" are about football, it's no wonder they can't go without their 5 minute fix every 5 minutes. Well sit back and enjoy the ride on this one because I delved into the shitpile that is the human psyche to fully envigor my effort to circle jerk my way into the 9th inning of libtard hell. MADDEN 03 LET'S OINK THIS PIG! Starting off, this title plays a HORRIBLE rendition of the song "party hard" as it's title and main music theme. It's incredibly crunch, choppy, and bad. You can pick up and play a game without starting a season so that's good variety at least. The season play has 2 different modes, a "full season" and a "playoffs" mode. I naturally picked playoffs cause I don't want to waste time on this shit. Initially I forgot that football games come with 50 trillion rules that all need to be turned off. The first game took me an hour because I forgot this fact and forgot to set the quarters down from 5 minutes to 3 minutes. Once you mess with the 6.3 trillion settings and get the gameplay to not suck, you're met with a familiar scene... Madden. The style of the game has not changed one iota since it's inception. You're given options for plays which in this rendition you control by selecting "A" "B" or "R". You can toggle through the options with the up and down arrows. Personally I just spammed the defensive play "Outlaw" every single time. Seemed to work out. For offense I went with a few mixups like that "Double X Cross" most and one called "Post" all under the GUN tab. When you get to the action you're met with 2 teams, one on the bottom(offense) and one on the top(defense). You(the player) have a special icon below the character you're controlling. directions move you, the A button lets you switch characters(cycle) and the L button lets you tackle. I didn't find any buttons that increase your speed or dash. The gameplay is standard/basic in terms of madden, select your play and your team will do whatever they hell they do because football is a jumbled spaghetti monster trying to forcefully molest itself. When you have the ball, the B button will allow you to do a little spin. This maneuver can allow you to avoid being tackled if timed right. This game features many features like interceptions, fumbles, and even failed field goals. The point of football is to make progress down the field and get the ball to the goal while the enemy combatants try to stop you. It's meatsock pong. The AI in the game actually is pretty receptive in a weird way. It can tell when you're trying to stall for time or run out the clock and will act accordingly. Kind of a dick move EA. Credits are in the menu, all of them, for some weird reason. You get a win scenario for beating playoffs but credits are manual... both of them. The graphics were below par as well.
All in All, 4 touchdowns out of 10 for this clunky shitpile of a game,series,and way of life. The amount of negative rules in this game is ridiculous. Horribly 1 song music track. Menuing was clustered, cluttered, and nonsensical, both in game and in the actual menu. 2 credits?? why??. Create a player has weird minigames. Slow gameplay. Strong CPU, but Madden game. It's Football.
TimeMage's verdict: