Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter 2 (Sniper)
Genre: Tactical Squad-Based Shooter
Developer: Ubisoft
Publisher: Ubisoft

The Yeti Engine comes roaring back for this sequel of what was the first must-have 360 title. The pixel-sharp texture resolution, unparalleled draw-in distance, and near-photorealism are present, but are somewhat undone by poor aesthetic choices and sloppy artwork; GRAW 2's maps often feature contrasting color themes and simple geometry, which is at odds with the how the original title looked, where every map was masterfully crafted to provide beautiful backdrops to the action and to successfully mask any shortcomings of the engine.

Gun and explosion sounds are as jarringly real in this game as they were in its predecessor. Unfortunately, the development team evidently decided to make this title more cinematic than its predecessor, and you are cursed almost continually throughout the missions by some of the worst Hollywood orchestra music I've ever heard. The writing takes a more dramatic turn too, much of the game is spent listening to General Keating shout over the intercom about even the most mundane of objectives. Once the music is disabled though, the title sounds not all dissimilar to its predecessor.

While the new game dynamics don't add to the depth of strategy involved, they do make accomplishing certain task types simpler. As well, the increased amount of useful communication your units provide during combat makes for a more intense and realistic experience. Negatively, the level design is a huge step down from the original; the maps and missions aren't nearly as memorable and seem repeatedly to fall back on just a couple of overused themes. The pacing is once again spot-on, but more imaginative missions would have been useful.

GRAW 2 plays well and even offers some improved gameplay dynamics over the original. However, much of the game feels unpolished and rushed; clearly, not as much love was put into the level design as the original, and the campaign is much less inventive and satisfying. The new emphasis on dramatic cinematics is a move in the wrong direction and is not tastefully done either; cut-scenes and themes such as your Hummer being chased at ridiculously close range by a helicopter should be left for the more arcade-themed Gears of War, not a tactical take on modern warfare such as this.

Sniper's verdict: