Downtown Nekketsu Monogatari (Sniper)
Format: Super CD-ROMĀ²
Genre: Brawler
Developer: KID Corp.
Publisher: NAXAT Soft

The Kunio-kun, Nekketsu antics are back, and this time on Hudson's and NEC's 16-bit SuperCD format! The PC Engine's massive colors-on-screen amount is pushed to the fullest, with backgrounds which have so much richness and depth that they look almost 3D! Character sprites too are substantially upgraded from their Famicom original's, yet the style is simultaneously and unmistakably true to the original release.

Kazuo Sawa, known as more of a port-master and sound driver kind of guy, actually composed the original's Famicom soundtrack-- and it's not bad! Part-dramatic, part-goofy, and always charmingly jazzy, it's the perfect kind of music to benefit from Red Book format-- and benefit it does! The remixed rock melodies burst from the speakers. There is even some appropriately hilarious voice acting for the bosses and shop keepers. Combat sound effects are a bit of a let-down, but with the game's music as it is, who cares.

The problem with River City Ransom has always been that it's just so stop-start in nature; grind a board three or four times, go back to some shops to buy muffins and sneakers, rinse-repeat. This is exacerbated by the CD format, with the disc drive seemingly always grinding away. Why are there so many different items, but so little variety in stage design? And yet, the simple two-button scheme is loaded with hidden depth, especially in two player, where players can wall jump and vault each other half-way across the stage.

Downdown Nekketsu Monogatari is one of those cult classics that, to certain taste, is one of the best games ever made. To this reviewer? Its stuttery pacing and repetitiveness holds it back from true greatness. As for this KID Corp. port, however, enough good things can't be said, to the point where Japanese speakers will find this to be the definitive version of the title, by a mile. It even has full save support! For English speakers? Be prepared to have a printed FAQ handy, because this is one text-heavy brawler.

Sniper's verdict: