Bomberman Live (Sniper)
Genre: Action
Developer: Backbone Entertainment
Publisher: Hudson

A polygonal Bomberman that otherwise looks and plays like its older brethren! Refreshing! Bright, colorful, and detailed, Bomberman Live is a good looking title that stays true to the series.

The hectic soundtrack fits the action, but it can be a little grating too. Sound effects include the chipper 12-year old girl that feels the compelling need to announce the name of every pickup you acquire.

Despite the polygonal visuals, the game plays much like the rest of the series. A good selection of boards and powerups are present, but there is a slight lag between input and play movement.

For those like myself who have been cutting their teeth on Bomberman for many years, this edition is a good but not great foray-- the input feels just a tad unresponsive, and there are certainly other iterations with better levels.

Sniper's verdict: