The Exigent Duality
Childhood bike - 15:56 CST, 6/06/17 (Sniper)
I'm not a huge bicyclist-- the minute I got my driver's license I never looked back, such is my love of cars-- but two summers ago my mom pulled my early-90s Schwinn High Plains out of her garage so I had something to ride alongside Henrietta, who I'd just taught to ride bike.

I just took it for a ride around the neighborhood about a half hour ago. It's never had any maintenance done on it, has never even been cleaned to my knowledge, yet at age twenty six there isn't a thing wrong with it, other than fourth gear "skips" a little. The aforelinked reviews tell the same tale.

Apparently it was a $330 bike, which adjusted for inflation comes out to just under $600 in today's Yellen Monopoly Bucks-- not bad for something that lasts through decades of negligence! I bet with how much more cheaply built things are today, a $600 bike would meet a cataclysmic end after just a handful of years.